Transfer Files Across Your Network from Windows to a Raspberry Pi
Posted on January 21st, 2016
… or any Linux setup!
So you’ve setup your Pi, you’ve got a static IP address and you can even VNC into the desktop (if not check out my Raspberry Pi Beginners Guide). But what if you want an easy way to transfer files from your Windows PC to your Pi somewhere else on the network? With Graphical User Interface to? No problem, that’s easy.
First of all enable the ssh server using the Pi Config Tool (or follow this guide). This allows you to connect remotely to a Terminal Session on your Pi, just connect to the static IP Address using a tool such as PuTTY.
But it also allows you to use the brilliant WinSCP (Windows Secure CoPy) to have an explorer like interface on your Windows PC to the your Pi. Again just use your static IP Address, Username and Password as you did for VNC in the Beginners Guide.
Remember, when connecting to PuTTY or WinSCP, you don’t need the port (e.g. :1) at the end of the connection IP Address.
That’s it! Easy to setup and use, you just need the Raspberry Pi IP Address, Username and Password.